Well it seems the forces of the imperium have been working against the Faithless overtime.....I'm back online after a bit of an absence.......
With the recent assault by mother nature on my location on the East Coast, and a few other events in my life my time posting on the blog has been limited this past summer. I am still working on my Tyranid army project and I plan to post some new content on the army soon!
In addition to my work on painting new units for my Nid army, I have also found and built some new additions to the army that were in storage. As you can see by my listing of projects for the blog I have added a number of new units. Spore Mines....Raveners....Trygon....and even a Mawloc.....I am moving on to another round of the armies growth. This doesn't mean I haven't stopped building up the smaller bugs, I still have a good number of Termagants and Hormagaunts I am still rolling out to rise the size of those broods. In addition I am already thinking about another 3rd wave of ideas I want to work on when I am nearly completed with this new phase of the army. Last month I wanted to release an army gallery post of what I have finished, but due to my old PC taking a lightning strike those plans have been on hold. Now that I am back online I will be posting that soon!
The Dark Eldar project is still moving forward as well. I have been working on lots of Venom's and Razorwings! I will be posting a few pics of my current projects soon. I hope to have the majority of this army done soon, and possibly getting a chance to finally play with the army in a few games before the year is out......
Finally I am hearing rumors of a possible Necron release soon! Hmmmmmmmm.....my oldest fully painted army might actually get some table time finally! I'm curious to see what this possible new codex might have in store. Of course it's still all rumor talk, and I have other things to keep me busy before this happens, but I am excited to see a new Necron codex being whispered about. I haven't truly used this army since the days of Medusa V when the Phalanx of the Bronze Face was a part of that last world campaign. WOO HOO!!!
Alright then.....let me see what I can post soon...
Enjoy! :)