So recently I have been giving the Renegade and Heretics forge world army list a look over. When the first list came out in Imperial Armour 5 I was not impressed with it, and that list used the older edition of IG for its parent list. While I liked the idea of a renegade list, I chose to build mine based on the IG Codex, which leads to my current Legion of the Dragon, Alpha Legion themed infantry army. This new look into the R&H list is with the most current version "Servants of Decay" a nurgle themed list. Even though it still has that nasty leadership handicap, I like this list and the options it comes with. It's another cross between the Lost and the Damned and IG armylist with a bit of a twist. This list gives me an excuse to play with another FW armylist and also to theme an infantry force for my current Death Guard army to join forces with. So I drew up a 2K list using the R&H: Servants of Decay list found in IAV8.
Servants of Decay
TOTAL: 1998
HQ +457Army Command Squad
Exalted Champion (+Power Weapon +Bolt Pistol)
1 Renegade Standard Bearer (+Standard)
1 Renegade w/Grenade Launcher 1 Renegade w/Vox
1 Renegade
1 Rogue Psyker (+CCW)
1 Chimera (+TL Hvy Bolter +Stubber)
AT Squad 1
3 Lascannon Teams
AT Squad 2
3 Lascannon Teams
Mortar Squad (+Chem Shells)
3 Mortar Teams
ELITE +1035Plague Marines
1 Champion (+PF +TL Bolter)
7 Plague Marines
2 Plague Marines w/Flamers
Rhino (+Havoc)
Plague Marines
1 Champion (+PF)
7 Plague Marines
2 Plague Marines w/Plasma Guns
Rhino (+Havoc)
Plague Marines
1 Champion (+PF)
7 Plague Marines
2 Plague Marines w/Plasma Guns
Rhino (+Havoc)
TROOPS +466Platoon Alpha
Platoon Command
Champion (+PW +Bolt Pistol)
1 Renegade Plasma Gunner
1 Renegade w/Vox
2 Renegades w/Stubber
Squad 1-1
1 Renegade Sgt
1 Renegade w/Grenade Launcher
2 Renegades w/Hvy Bolter
6 Renegades
Squad 1-2
1 Renegade Sgt
1 Renegade w/Grenade Launcher
2 Renegades w/Hvy Bolter
6 Renegades
Platoon Zeta
Platoon Command
Champion (+PW +Bolt Pistol)
1 Renegade Plasma Gunner
1 Renegade w/Vox
2 Renegades w/Auto Cannon
Squad 2-1
1 Renegade Sgt
1 Renegade w/Grenade Launcher
2 Renegades w/Missile Launcher
6 Renegades
Squad 2-2
1 Renegade Sgt
1 Renegade w/Grenade Launcher
2 Renegades w/Missile Launcher
6 Renegades
FAST ATTACK +40Sentinel Squad
1 Sentinel (+Heavy Flamer)
The combination of Plague Marines and Infantry should prove to be a fun army to try and master. 30 PMs is no laughing matter, and the heavy weapon heavy infantry should provide me with support to push the marines closer to any enemy for an assault. The theme of the army will be mercenary troops. I still don't have a name for the army. So any thoughts?